A New Screenplay by James Lantz
“An engaging blend of humor and drama indicative of a unique narrative voice … a rich and detailed dramatic world”
Script coverage, WeScreenplay, June 2022
“This is a one-of-a-kind script, imaginative, charming, and visually powerful. The world of the film is phantasmagorical and vividly pictured with great attention to detail. As mentioned in an action line, there are echoes of Julie Taymor, Bread and Puppet, and the Cirque du Soleil, but the script has its own style and is truly original. The beginning is intriguing and immediately hooks the reader. The story is compact, fast-paced, and easy to follow. The characters speak in distinct voices, and the dialogue sounds authentic. The symbolism of the hands is powerful and suggestive, and the script is shrouded in a magical atmosphere.”
Script coverage, The Black List, July 2022
“The overall effect of the story is one of a loving, beautiful emotional poem. You can feel the genuine love these characters have for each other even when their quirky personalities threaten to destroy them all.”
Stacey Bean, Hot Springs Screenplay Competition, July 2022
The story: A boy bleeds from his hands in a scam dreamed up by his father, a circus ringmaster. Years later, the boy — now a young man — is troubled anew when he and his newlywed husband arrange to adopt a handless baby girl.
Below: select storyboards.